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VLAIO - Carpets with a Circular Mindset

Circulaire mindset Jozefien Forton - VLAIO

Publication: VLAIO
Text: Lore Veelaert
Date: October 6, 2023 

Top carpets with a circular mindset

Jozefien Forton of Maison Forton designs and creates sustainable, top-quality carpets, locally produced and with a small ecological footprint. Sustainable is just the first step. The next step – bringing 100% circular carpets to the market – is within reach, thanks to the innovative start-up support from VLAIO.

VLAIO - Carpets with a circular mindset - Maison Forton

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VLAIO - A circular carpet - Quote Jozefien Forton

Jozefien Forton , founder of Maison Forton: “For seven years I was responsible for the sales and product development of a large carpet manufacturer from West Flanders. I mainly worked in Scandinavia, the Benelux and Southern Europe and supported customers in putting together new collections. When the demand for sustainable carpets became increasingly louder, it proved difficult to respond from the mid-range segment. And sustainability is really my thing.”


VLAIO article - Carpets with a circular mindset from, among other things, recycled fishing nets - Maison Forton


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